menschenkette löffelbein 2

Bund der Energieverbraucher e.V.
(Association of Energy Consumers)

Bund der Energieverbraucher stands for secure, affordable and consumer friendly energy

Bund der Energieverbraucher is an active union of more than 10,000 private and small business energy consumers. It is the only consumers’ interest organisation in Germany specialised on energy issues. It is politically independent and acts thoughout Germany.

Its aims are sustainable energy supply, affordable energy costs, the implementation of renewable energies and the thoughful use of energy.

The association issues its own quarterly journal, the Energiedepesche, and maintains, a website offering more than 2,000 pages on the widest range of energy issues.

As a non-profit organisation, Bund der Energieverbraucher is a member of the Federation of German Consumer Organisations, the Verbraucherzentrale Bundesverband. It is funded exclusively by the fees of its members (44 Euro for regular members, 29 Euro for pupils, students, unemployed, elderly people).

No state grants, therefore independent and powerful!

Members receive support in purchasing affordable energy and in legal and technical questions related to energy issues.

Through the Phoenix project the association has had a strong impact on the establishment of solar energy in Germany.

Bund der Energieverbraucher targets to counterbalance the superiority of the established energy providers in society and politics. It successfully fights for the rights of energy consumers.

Among its members are many well-known individuals and institutions – evidence for the importance of the association.

Some prominent members and supporters are:

  • Dr Hermann Scheer († 14.10.10, Right Livelihood Award, founder of EUROSOLAR)
  • Prof Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker (Member of the Club of Rome, former president of the Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy)
  • Michael Müller (former Parliamentary State Secretary at the German Federal Environment Ministry, president of NaturFreunde Germany)
  • Prof Kurt Biedenkopf (former Prime Minister of Saxonia)
  • and many German cities and towns such as Dresden and Nuremburg.

letzte Änderung: 13.11.2020